.. _quickstart: Quickstart ========== Kesulitan dalam mencoba? Halaman ini memperlihatkan betapa mudah nya menjalankan Baka framework. Contoh ini dijalankan dengan berasumsi anda sudah melakukan instalasi Baka framework. Jika belum bisa kehalaman ini :ref:`installation` section. Konfigurasi Sederhana --------------------- Baka Aplikasi sangat sederhana seperti ``flask-like`` .. code:: python from Baka import Baka app = Baka(__name__) @app.route('/') def hello_world(): return 'Hello, World!' Kamu juga dapat menggunakan baka framework dengan sangat sederhana seperti ``route handler function``, misalnya. .. code:: python from baka import Baka from baka.log import log app = Baka(__name__) # route method @app.route('/') def index_page(req): log.info(req) return {'Baka': 'Hello World!'} @app.route('/home') def home_page(req): log.info(req) return {'Route': 'home'} # root resources routes class ResourcesPage(object): def __init__(self, request): self._name = 'Resource Page' log.info(request.params) # GET resource method @ResourcesPage.GET() def resources_page_get(root, request): return { 'hello': 'Get Hello resources from Page root %s ' % page._name } Modular Package/Folder ---------------------- Dengan penggunakan ``baka.include(callable)``, kamu dapat menggabungkan module terpisah dari beberapa file didalam *package module*. ``contoh file: testbaka/view_user.py`` .. code:: python from .app import app @app.route('/users') def user(req): return {'users': 'all data'} def includeme(config): pass ``file: testbaka/app.py`` .. code:: python from baka import Baka from baka.log import log app = Baka(__name__) app.include('testbaka.view_user') # include module dari file view_user.py @app.route('/') def index_page(req): log.info(req) return {'Baka': 'Hello World!'} @app.route('/home') def home_page(req): log.info(req) return {'Route': 'home'} App Folder --------- Untuk Struktur Application Folder ``optional`` .. code:: html - root - package (AppBaka) - config ``optional, Baka(__name__, config_schema=True)`` - config.yaml # digunakan for baka default configuration - __init__.py # the code goes in here - wsgi.py # for running in wsgi container e.g gunicorn - run.py # running development server Default Configuration Baka from ``config.yaml`` .. code:: yaml package: AppBaka # mandatory for root package version: 0.1.0 # optional baka: debug_all: True # mandatory for debug environment meta: version: 0.1.0 # mandatory for json response version WSGI Container Application Server ``wsgi.py`` .. code:: python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ WSGI Application Server ~~~~~~~~~ :author: nanang.jobs@gmail.com :copyright: (c) 2017 by Nanang Suryadi. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. wsgi.py """ from . import app application = app Running in Development mode ``run.py`` .. code:: python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ~~~~~~~~~ :author: nanang.jobs@gmail.com :copyright: (c) 2017 by Nanang Suryadi. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. run.py.py """ from . import app app.run(use_reloader=True) Running ------- Development mode .. code:: python run.py Production mode with Gunicorn .. code:: gunicorn -w 1 -b AppBaka.wsgi Contoh Aplikasi --------------- .. code:: git clone https://github.com/baka-framework/baka.git cd examples python3 -m venv env source env/bin/active pip install baka python run.py